Google Assignments in CanvasGoogle Assignments in Canvas
Though this video takes a little bit of time, watch it for step by step instructions on how to use the Google Assignments Integration. If you liked grading with Google
Though this video takes a little bit of time, watch it for step by step instructions on how to use the Google Assignments Integration. If you liked grading with Google
Quizizz vs Kahoot vs Gimkit There’s a new contestant in the hitherto Quizizz vs Kahoot contest for primacy in online quiz games. Many at FCS are quite familiar with Kahoot,
To learn more, click here!
Google continues to improve on its Google Classroom. Here is a useful guide from Common Sense Media on all things Google Classroom. Teachers’ Essential Guide to Google Classroom | Common
FCS teachers have asked the FCIT several times both last year and again this summer if one can copy a Google Classroom class page. The answer is yes. Google Classroom added this