Quizizz vs Kahoot vs Gimkit
There’s a new contestant in the hitherto Quizizz vs Kahoot contest for primacy in online quiz games. Many at FCS are quite familiar with Kahoot, the online quiz/ review game. I often hear its ear-wormy music when I walk the halls. (Here’s 10 hours of its Jeopardy-esque theme song.) In this brief post, I will will recommend all three tools and mention a new (and temporarily free) feature of Kahoot’s.
My favorite online quiz game is Gimkit. It allows for strategy! and more authentic game play than its competitors. While the strategy aspect of the game play may be tangential to learning, it enhances the game thereby enabling learning- it will keep kids’ interest longer. It’s a great review tool and a lot of fun. Here’s a video on how to get started.
I really do most highly recommend it. Yet, as much as I like Gimkit, the other online quiz games are better for other purposes.
New content
If you’re looking to explain something to your students mid-game, use Kahoot.
Kahoot has a slides feature which allows you you to stop mid-game and explain an idea or topic. This is usually a paid feature, but Kahoot is offering free premium access for educators impacted by COVID-19.

Traditional tests
If you want something that has the look and feel of a more traditional test, go with Quizizz’s Test Mode. It is meant specifically for formal summative assessments (that is quizzes and tests). Questions are only asked once, and teachers get a very detailed report at the end of the test.